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McKays Supports Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels

At McKays Hotel, Bar, and Restaurant, we are committed to preserving Scotland’s unique natural heritage, which includes protecting the iconic red squirrel.

Scotland is home to over 75% of the UK’s remaining red squirrels, but their numbers have drastically declined due to the spread of the invasive non-native grey squirrel. Grey squirrels, introduced by humans from North America in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, outcompete reds for food and habitat making it hard for them to successful breed and for their young to survive. Some grey squirrels also carry the deadly squirrelpox virus, which does not harm them but is deadly for 90-95% reds, and has devastating effects on red squirrel populations.

Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels is a crucial project that brings together partners, landowners, and volunteers to monitor and control grey squirrel squirrel populations across Scotland. By focusing on priority areas like Tayside, where red squirrels face significant threat from incurring grey squirrels from the south, the project is making strides in controlling the spread of grey squirrels and preventing the transmission of squirrelpox. The work done in Tayside is vital to safeguarding red squirrels, particularly in the Scottish Highlands, where healthy red-only populations still exist.

We support this cause because it aligns with our values of community involvement and environmental stewardship. By backing this project, we contribute to the ongoing efforts to halt the spread of grey squirrels and help in the recovery of red squirrel populations. Together with our guests and community, we are proud to play a part in ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy the presence of red squirrels in Scotland’s beautiful landscapes.

How you can help

Help us monitor the situation in Tayside by submitting a squirrel sighting to the Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels website

Take action for red squirrels by joining the Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels trap-loan scheme

Get involved in citizen science by joining the growing network of monitoring volunteers

Help protect red squirrels in your local community by signing-up as a volunteer dispatcher

Help prevent the spread of squirrelpox by cleaning your garden feeders regularly with anti-viral solution or get involved with our annual squirrelpox testing efforts

Send any found dead red squirrels for post mortem to the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies. Inform your closest member of SSRS staff that you have done so

Volunteering with Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels is a fantastic way to connect with nature and support your local area’s special native wildlife. Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels volunteers are provided with the training and resources they need to participate. If you are interested in volunteering with the project in Tayside, please contact your local SSRS staff for more information.

Area contact

Susie McNaughton
Highland Line Conservation Lead